How to onboard a winery client?
For new winery clients, welcome!
We take Intl DTC seriously. It all starts with proper compliance using our technology as the core service. Our business model primarily supports winery clients on contract with us.
Please follow these steps to set up an account with Gliding Eagle in less than 30 minutes.
Step 1: Review Service Plans
Review detailed service plans and pricing with two options:
(A) On-Contract: Monthly Subscription
(B) Off-Contract: a Pay-Per-Order Surcharge (skip Step 2; must pay by credit card up-front)
Step 2: Sign an agreement digitally
Work with our sales team to digitally sign the standard Service Agreement with automatic billing. The process takes less than 5 minutes.
Step 3: Use our software
You will receive an access code to our beautifully-designed software for quotes and orders: Intl DTC App.
Step 4: Schedule a staff training
Optional but highly recommended. The session typically takes 20-60 minutes, depending on the winery staff size.
We will also share success stories to help you increase Intl DTC sales.